PRESIDENT-Cindy Christenson VICE PRESIDENT-Jill Kirkland
TREASURER-Sue Zabell SECRETARY-Pat Trapanese
Archivist/Awards-Celeste Sheldt Hostess-Roxanne Santini
Birthday Club-Jan Wood
Membership-Nancy Klump
Block Exchange-Barbara Means Newsletter-Sue McBride
BOM-Danielle Morgan
Photographer-Monique Byrne
By-Laws-Barb Levan
Red Top Retreat-Barb Levan/Carolyn Shea
Communications-Nancy Draheim
Sit N’ Sew-Cindy Christenson
Community Service- Special Projects- Debbie Winstead
Carolyn Shea- Quilts
Sunshine-Beth Virden
Barbara Means-Pillowcases
Web Master-Kim Ayers
Vickie Evaristo-Dog Beds
Zoom-CindyChristenson, Daryl Miller,
Door Prizes-Suzie Callendar, Monique Byrne Nancy Draheim
JANUARY 4 General Meeting on Zoom. 46 members attended.
Program- Antique Road Show. Antique quilts shown by members.
UFO Challenge announced with 1st due in March
VP Challenge announced- “Do Something Different, Challenge Yourself “ Due November
Name Tag Drawing implemented to encourage members to wear name tags
Allatoona Guild’s 40th Anniversary Year started with plans for a party in August
FEBRUARY 1st General Meeting (First In person meeting since Covid) Masks Required
Program- Wool Trunk Show by member Barbara Means with a class after the meeting.
BOM- 1ST Block Revealed
MARCH 1st General Meeting on Zoom
Program- “Use it All” by Norene Skiles. Ideas and techniques on using scraps of fabric and batting.
Red Top Retreat (7th to 11th) Theme was LUCK OF THE IRISH with an Irish Chain Quilt Pattern
BOM- 2ND Block Revealed
“Where Were You in ‘82” articles started by members in conjunction with our 40th
Anniversary year. Jan Wood headed up program.
APRIL 5TH General Meeting in person
Program was the Silent Auction headed by Daryl Miller with Jan Wood and Barbie
Richardson helping. Raised $1510 for the guild.
BOM- 3rdblock revealed
2023 Red Top Chairs will be Sue Baumgartel and Sue McBride
40thAnniversary Pins approved to be ordered
Board Meeting were decided to remain on zoom
MAY 3RD General Meeting in person
Program was Demo Day. Short demos by 9 members showing various techniques and How-to’s
Block Exchange will be Red and White colors.
BOM- 4THBlock revealed
Special Projects of a quilted gift exchange was announced
It was decided to start going back to in person sew in days with the 1stone on the 24th.
JUNE 7TH General Meeting on Zoom
Program- “Math for Quilts” by Cyndi McChesney
BOM- 5th block revealed
2022 Red Top attendees to be refunded $12 or can donate it to food bank
JULY 5th General Meeting on Zoom
Program- “Spools & Tools” by Michelle Umlauf presenting favorite tools, techniques and notions
BOM- 6thblock revealed
RSVP invitations for the Anniversary party sent out. Members asked to wear red to party. Past
Presidents were invited and asked to bring their presidents quilt.
AUGUST 2nd General Meeting in person
40thAnniversary Party- There were 70 members attending with 2 guests. 9 past presidents attended.
Chicken salad luncheon was served. Anniversary pins and mug rugs given out to members
BOM- 7thblock revealed
2023 Red Top Theme announced- “Sew Happy Together”
SEPTEMBER 6th General Meeting in person
Program- Trunk show by member Danielle Morgan with a class after meeting. “Taking a Panel to a
New Place” 10 members attended
BOM- 8thblock revealed
OCTOBER 4TH General Meeting in person
Program- Collage trunk show and lecture by speaker Nancy Hutchinson with workshop scheduled
On the 25th
BOM- 9thand final block revealed. Sashing instructions will be revealed next month
Special Project- quilted items were exchanged by 14 participants
Tool Holder/Sew Organizer class was taught by President Cindy Christenson after the general
New officers and committee chairs voted on for 2023
NOVEMBER 1ST General Meeting in Person
Program- speaker Lynn Rinehart. Lecture on quilt appraisal. She will do quilt appraisals after meeting
VP Challenge participants showing their items
NOVEMBER and desserts will be provided.
Members asked to bring special mug/cup
BOM-sashing instructions were provided in the newsletter. Final border and finishing instructions
next month
Red Top 2023- Daryl Miller showed a Friendship Star Quilt that goes along with the theme of the
Retreat. She gave various web sites where the pattern can be found
DECEMBER 6th General Meeting in Person
Program- Presentation of comfort quilts to the Acworth Police. A quilt made by members was
Presented to Chief Dennard on his retirement. The new Chief of Police was introduced.
YTD Community Service-
Comfort Quilts-135
Police Bears-74
BOM- Final instructions in newsletter
Block Exchange- 88 red and white blocks were made with 26 members participating. The blocks were won by 6 members.
Christmas tea, coffee and dessert was enjoyed by all
2021 AQG Yearly Review
President – Susan Baumgartel
Vice President – Daryl Miller
Secretary – Barbara Means
Treasurer – Sue Zabell
The Guild approached 2021 with considerable enthusiasm and hope that Covid would soon be behind us … this was not the case. Covid continued to impact the Guild’s ability to gather in person. As a result of the pandemic conditions, we rallied and moved forward, despite the unfortunate circumstances posed by Covid.
Highlights of accomplishments for the year:
· We met every month via Zoom for our General Meetings and the Executive Board meeting. We averaged 35-40 for the General Meetings and 12-20 for the Executive Board Meetings.
· Sit-n-Sews were held at least two times per month via Zoom. Members grew to love having contact with Guild friends and also loved the convenience of having all supplies/tools quickly available. In the past our sewing gatherings had only moderate attendance and often attendees left after lunch. Our Zoom sit-n-sews, at times, lasted until late in the day. Members also felt they accomplished much more via the Zoom gatherings.
· Daryl Miller presented excellent programs throughout the year. Listing and highlights follow in the VP report.
· We held a virtual retreat, replacing our usual Red Top retreat, the second week of March. It was well attended with special projects, goody bags, games, and lots of fun for the two days. Our closing survey revealed that the group would not be opposed to three days in the future if we’re unable to have our in-person Red Top retreat.
· We held multiple Parking Lot Pick-ups/Drop-offs during the year. Multiple programs/projects were at the heart of these socially-distanced gatherings. The Community Service report provides details.
· We were able to have a membership of 79! My hope/goal as President was to retain at least 50% of our previous membership of 94 at the end of 2020. Thankfully members rallied and we ended the year favorably. This was very encouraging.
· We were encouraged by members’ participation in Block of the Month, Speak Up, VP Challenge, Postcard exchange at Christmas and the Block Exchange.
· We completed the year financially healthy as we closely monitored expenses throughout the year.
· Meeting minutes were completed for all formal meetings and they can be found on the website.
· The Executive team and chairs worked well together. There were major decisions that had to be discussed throughout the year; those of greatest challenge were determining when, or not, we would meet together again for a General Meeting, and what circumstances/requirements would be imposed. This occurred in 2020 as well. Thankfully, we had no discord in making these decisions. The membership body supported our decisions as we had the health and safety of members at the heart of our discussions. I believe the 2022 Officers/Chairs are going to have similar decisions to address. Covid/Pandemic has/will continue to pose challenges in our environment.
VP Programs – Daryl Miller
During the past two years Allatoona Quilters’ Guild programs have been significantly affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic. We held only three meetings in person before the pandemic hit in March 2020, but were able to complete the 2020 Red Top Retreat before we restructured all activities.
After a one month “Covid Break” we began Zoom programing and have had 8 programs by members supplemented by 12 outside speakers from remote locations. We would never have been able to invite and afford speakers from Seattle or Toronto without Zoom.
Zoom has enabled us to keep the guild going during these years as we have been able to keep quilting during the pandemic and also stay connected. It will be great to see the whole guild together in person again but our connections have mostly been with those who attend on the Zoom screen. We have had participation from 25-50 for various General Meetings and perhaps about 25-35 at Board Meetings. The significant participation increase has been due to the Sit and Sew meetings. These casual meetings average 18-20 members and run from 9:30 am sometimes as late as 5 pm! In person, these were poorly attended and typically wrapped up when a few left for lunch. Members find it so convenient to sew in their own studios without having to pack up and carry their machines and supplies to the school for a 2 or 3 hour session. Communication is easy and connections in this group will be long lasting when we meet again face to face.
The VP Challenge for 2020 was to make a “Curvy Quilt” and we had 12+ participants. In 2021 the Challenge was to “Speak UP!” using words in the quilt with 8 members participating.
The Block Exchange was not held in 2020, but we did it in 2021 with Dottie Pittman and Connie Kessler purchasing and distributing the fabric, as well as collecting and managing the contest.
The PhD Programor Projects Half Done for 2021 was a great success. There were 24 members who “applied” to the “registrar” with their project list. To encourage quality over quantity members could break their projects into segments, they set the month to work on them to fit their calendars and they had one month off for other commitments or to catch up. Each paid $10 for the 8 month program and had to send photos for Show and Tell on Zoom. There were 12 who completed their projects and they will “graduate” and receive a Diploma, a PhD charm and 2 spools of Aurufil thread.
2020 Programs
January- Quilting Ergonomics was explained by member Beth Aitken, a Physical Therapist.
February- Re-Loom from Atlanta showed a wide variety of products woven from fabric and clothing discards. They made bags, rugs, placemats and even dog leashes.
March- Elisabeth Frolet gave a beautiful Applique and Embroidery Trunk Show. Her workshop was cancelled by the lockdown but there were 25 members who had paid to attend.
April- “Covid Break”
May- Barbara Means and Vicki Evaristo, gave a members Trunk Show via our first Zoom General Meeting. We had met as the Board via Zoom before setting up the regular meeting.
June- On the Wall Quilts- members showing what was hanging in their homes as we found ourselves “climbing the walls” over covid restrictions.
July- The Carol Bobar Show. Carol sent in so many photos from her Wall Quilts, that she earned her own monthly program spot via Zoom.
August- Jeanette Walton with a Judy Neimeier Trunk Show via Zoom. Jeanette is a Judy Neimeier instructor who lived in Kennesaw before moving to California and has been scheduled to do several quilting cruises.
September- MJ Kinman with a wonderful Zoom program on her Gemstone quilts made with freezer paper patterns from Louisville, Kentucky.
October- Our Curvy Quilt challenge was supplemented by Karen Eckmeier, whose program Wiggles and Waves, on Free Form Curves fit in nicely. Karen is the fiber artist of the Quilted-Lizard Studio in Connecticut.
November- Red Top Show and Tell. We showed completed works from the March retreat and discussed signing up for a virtual retreat for March 2021.
December- There was a Community Service Drop off at the Police Station because of rainy weather. And the Zoom program was photos from members’ homes of holiday décor, as we were all still “Home for the Holidays.”
2021 Programs
January- Face the Year- Program Chair Daryl Miller compiled several videos and photos from Freddie Moran’s Face the Year series of faces. Freddie is a California quilter who began to create faces as she recovered from a severe illness. She made and created a friend story about a face every day to help her face her new year. She also donated several to the Sisters Oregon virtual quilt show of 2020.
February- Barbara Eikmeier joined us via Zoom from Lansing, Kansas showing us her Random Block Sampler. This was also our month to show our completed Row by Row Block of the Month quilts from 2020.
March- Barn Quilt Blocks with Suzie Paron was a hit with her photos of barn quilts all over the country. She also held a zoom workshop that afternoon to create our own barn quilt blocks. She provided kits including the 24” plywood squares, paints and patterns for those who signed up.
April- Japanese Yukata fabrics was presented by Patricia Belyea from Seattle. She also explained the Japanese International Quilt Festival and growing indigo plants at her eastern Washington farmstead.
May- Secrets of the Houston Quilt Market was a Zoom by Michelle Baston from Lunenberg, Massachusetts.
June- Rhonda Pierce from Schmetz Needles in Chicago joined us for an informative program on Schmetz needles. She was terrific and what a great name for a needle rep!
July- Quilting legend and quilt historian Barbara Brackman gave a presentation on Civil War quilts from her newest book Divided Hearts: A Civil War Friendship Quilt. She joined us from Lawrence, Kansas.
August- Karen Brown, blogger from “Just Get it Done Quilts” was our speaker in August from Toronto, Canada. Her topic was “Be the Best Quilter You Can Be” with “tips, tricks and strategies to help you make the quilt you want to make.”
September- Amy Reed from the Marietta Museum of History was able to Zoom with us as we stayed remote showing a museum collection of quilts made by quilters in Cobb County.
October- Debi Warner from Harlingen, Texas Zoomed to share various insights in writing short quilting articles for the Quilting Contessa Quilting Hub. She covers hints, humor and history.
November- Speak UP! Challenge month was a success with 8 members entering quilts in the challenge. Members attending the meeting voted via the Zoom survey feature and winners received gift certificates to Tiny Stitches Quilt Shop.
December- Community Service Presentation of quilts to the Acworth Police Department as well as our Quilted Post Card swap.
Ryan’s Case for Smiles – 2021 – Barbara Means
December 2021
Dear Allatoona Quilters Guild Members:
As 2021 comes to a close and a new year begins, I want to take this opportunity to THANK each of you for your donation of time and pillowcases. The organization could not function without your incredibly generous contributions.
A hospital experience can be terrifying and traumatic for both a child and their family. While others strive to find cures for childhood diseases and illnesses, Ryan’s Case For Smiles (RCFS) helps with the stress and emotional impact of an illness in the here and now. Our whimsical pillowcases give children an emotional boost, while resources and tools developed by RCFS help families better understand and cope with the experience. For more information, go to www.caseforsmiles.org.
In 2021, the ‘Case For Smiles’ Georgia Chapter delivered a total of 3,776 pillowcases to 10 hospital throughout the state. Pillowcases were also donated to the Forsyth County Senior Services. To date, the Georgia Chapter has delivered over 60,900+pillowcases. Nationwide, over 2.4 million pillowcases have been delivered since 2007.
Pillowcase donations to local hospitals would not be possible without your continued support. A total of 809 pillowcases were made and donated by AQG members. A special callout to the following members for donating 25 or more pillowcases: Susie Callender, Deb Cannizzaro, Vicki Evaristo, Arlena Hickman, Karen Hobbs, Barb Levan, Ruth MacCullen, Carolyn Shea and Sue Zabell. Barb, Ruth and Carolyn went above and beyond the call of duty and made 100+ pillowcases. THANK YOU!
Two new drop off locations were added to the list in 2021 – Shirt Off Your Back Quilts (Alpharetta) and Citizen Exchange (Lilburn).
It has been a pleasure getting to know AQG members and to be part of such a wonderfully talented and generous group.
Thank you for ‘helping kids feel better to heal better’.
Barbara Means
Georgia Chapter Coordinator
Ryan’s Case For Smiles
Community Service – Carolyn Shea
Community Service – Carolyn Shea - Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we did not meet in person. Therefore, we held seven (7) Drop-off days at the Roberts School parking lot: Feb 25, April 29, June 10, July 29, Oct 26, and Nov 30. Members dropped off their comfort quilts, pillowcases, and doggie scraps/beds. Community Service Days were held online through Zoom meeting: March 30, June 29, Aug 31, and Nov 30. This year, we were asked by Chief Dennard of the Acworth Police Dept. to make "bears" out of their old uniforms to carry in their cruises. As a guild, we donated 138 quilts and 75 bears to the Acworth Police Dept., 809 pillowcases to Ryan's Cases for Smiles, and 200 doggie beds. We also donated 4 quilts to the victims of the Kentucky December tornadoes. We had 49 members who either donated a quilt or pillowcase or both; about 61% of the guild. There were 7 quilts donated with no names attached. We had numerous donations of fabric from people who were downsizing their sew rooms.
SPECIAL NOTE: On September 16, 2021, the City of Acworth invited the Guild to the city council meeting where the Guild was given a proclamation recognizing the "Guild for their many talents and compassion in providing aid and comfort with hundreds of quilts they have woven throughout the years benefitting the Acworth Community."
Sunshine Report – Ruth MacCullen
Sunshine Club End of 2021 Year Report
January – 6 cards, 2 emails, flower arrangement for Nancy Klump
February – 2 emails
March – 1 email, 2 cards
April – 1 email, 1 card
May – 2 emails, 1 flower arrange to Jo Budwick
June – 5 emails, 1 card
July – 1 email, 1 card
August - 3 emails
September – 1 email
October – 4 emails
November – 2 emails
December – 3 cards
There were also several additional telephone calls, text messages and correspondences made with several guild members throughout the year.
Sit-N-Sews – Cindy Christensen
The Sit and Sews were held on Zoom every 2 weeks. We averaged around 17 on our Sit and Sews for this past year. This has been a great time of being able to spend time with each other and also sew! Who can’t love that!
Block Exchange – Dottie Pittman and Connie Kessler
We purchased 10 yards of fabric. We chose three different bolts of a line that the shop had plenty of bolts to choose from, in case quilters wanted to purchase other fabrics from the line. We bought 4 yards of our favorite, 3 yards each of the other two bolts. We cut the yardage into fat quarters and sold them at $3.00 each to members who were participating in the block exchange.
The members who purchased a fat quarter were to use a recognizable amount in each 12 ½ block they made. Up to 5 blocks could be made by each member. They placed their name on each block finished and turned in. The number of blocks turned in was the number of times their name was put in the drawing. 115 blocks were created which allowed us to give away 9 sets of 12 blocks. We had 2 sets of 3 blocks to be used for table runners that were also given away.
Treasurer – Sue Zabell – Year End Report
To be included with this report.
Webmaster – Kim Ayers
Maintained website and uploaded pictures from members for Show and Tell and special activities.
By-laws/Red Top 2022 – Barb Levan
The annual look at the By-Laws did not happen. 2021 was another unusual year. We will take a closer look at the By-Laws early in 2022.
Annual Red Top Retreat
Our annual Red Top Retreat in March was cancelled due the Covid-19 Pandemic. There was a mini virtual Retreat in 2021. It was very fun. We are looking forward to the March 2022 Retreat and hoping it will happen as an in-person event.
Block of the Month – Beth Aiken
This year I choose a star pattern because may of our members choose stars in alot of their quilts. The pattern ; Midnight Stargazer could be adapted to many styles of fabric. Another factor this year was that it was all online instead of our monthly get togethers. Some used the fabric and layout presented in the original pattern by TK Harrison and others choose different fabrics and different layouts. All in all, I think we all ended up with a beautiful quilt.
December 2020 ended the year with 99 members. This was a really hard year due to the Covid Pandemic. The entire year meetings were conducted via Zoom. There were 74 who renewed their membership. During the year there were 6 new members. The year was ended with 80 members.
Door Prizes
The year 2021 for Door Prizes was quite challenging with having to zoom. We still a lot of gifts that have not been picked up. We received a lot of donations from members and we were very thankful for their generosity. We look forward to meeting in 2022 in person (we hope).
President – Kim Ayers
Vice President – Dianne Olsen
Treasurer –Sue Zabell
Secretary Sue Lane
Vice President – Dianne Olsen
Meeting Programs
Jan - Game Show related to quilt trivia.
Feb – Barb Levan Trunk Show (Andi Barney canceled due to illness)
Mar – Melinda’s Journey Through Quilts with Melinda Fulkerson
Apr – Diane Knott from Butterfly Quilting did a trunk show and talked about her recent book
May – Doreen Clink discussed preparing your quilt for long arming and what you need to do to have your quilt ready
Jun – Tammy Silvers from Tamarinis did a presentation titled Interrogating Your Quilt.
Jul – Muriel Pfaff did a presentation on indigo
Aug – Red Top project presentations
Sept - Tara Miller of the Quilt District did a presentation on Quilting with the Fire of our Foremothers.
Oct – Daryl Miller did a presentation on quilt borders.
Nov - VP challenge reveal of quilts. We had approximately a dozen participants
Dec -Small purse/bag exchange
Presidents Quilt – Presentation of an orange and teal quilt to Kim Ayers for her service this year.
UFO Challenge – Since participation was very low last year, the UFO challenge wasn’t held in 2019. Instead Dianne Olsen gave out randomly drawn prizes the first half of the year to those who participated in guild activities.
Vice President Challenge – Dianne Olsen -This year the VP Challenge was a quilt of any size inspired by a picture from the book The Men of Quilting. The board decided to not do a Christmas block exchange this year since participation was low last year.
The board suggested everyone make an item for the Christmas exchange from the same pattern. This worked out very well and it’s recommended the practice continues.
Christmas exchange – small bag / purse from the same pattern
Treasurer – Sue Zabell – starting budget was 4,100. $1151.05 was carried over to 2020
Committee Reports:
Awards – Barb Levan
14 Gold pins were awarded
7 silver pins
20 individuals participated in the Block of the Month
5 people were awarded the VP Challenge pin
58 Special Projects were shown
255 Small quilts or small projects were shown
Many of those 255 quilts or small projects were shown but no award was given. Many of the members no longer wish to collect the awards.
Block of the Month (BOM) – Emily Gail Wyett - These are the projects for Block of the Month for the year 2019. We used the book Fabulous Small Quilts by That Patchwork Place.
Eat Slowly, It took a long time to Prepare, pg 36
Prairie Points, pg 168
Evening on the Farm, pg 199
Log Cabin, pg 251
Pick your own project from the book
Feedsack Flower Garden, pg 102
By-laws – Sue Baumgartel - No changes this year
Community Service – Carolyn Shea - held four (4) Community Service Days in 2019; January 29, May 30, July 30, October 29 and December 18. We had an average of 18 members attend these service days. During the October 29 service day, Huguette Boyer taught the Lattice Quilt as comfort quilt. As a guild, we donated 152 quilts to the Acworth Police Dept. and 795 pillowcases to Ryan's Cases for Smiles. We had 61 members who either donated a quilt or pillowcase or both; about 61% of the guild. There were 8 quilts donated with no names attached. We had numerous donations of fabric from people who were downsizing their sew rooms.
Food Bank – Bonnie Davidson - The Guild supported the Mars Hill Presbyterian Church Food Bank with food and monetary support. We donated a total of $1009.30 in 2019.
Hostess – Pat Trapanese/Roxanne Santini -Maintained a Hostess sign-up sheet. Hostesses were called each month as to what beverages and ice to bring.
Purchased all paper products and silverware for General Meetings. Planned themed covered dish General Meetings.
Purchases to date were $212.28
This year November and December General Meetings were catered by Cracker Barrel (Turkey Dinner) and Family Traditions (Ham Dinner). Funds were procured from General Fund.
Reorganized the storage room with new shelving and bins.
Membership – Jacque Hodges - Members who requested were given the paper piecing pattern and fabric for the name tags. Classes were held during the Thursday sew-in for those interested in learning to make the pieced name tags. We ended the year with 104 members.
Monthly Exchange – MaryAnne Perry - The monthly exchange was strips of children’s fabrics and strips of Kona Solids. The exchange was canceled with the unexpected passing of MaryAnne.
Newsletter – Daryl Miller - The newsletter was sent out monthly to everyone by keeping an updated outlook contact group. The emails usually went out after Special Projects day and before any Community Service day. There were three members who received a printed copy and usually two copies were distributed at the next General Meeting.
Red Top 2019 – Barb Levan – Our Red Top Retreat was held March 12-15, 2019. We used both shelter 1 and 2 as there were a total of 67 participants. Our meals were catered by Family Traditions in Woodstock GA. The retreat quilt was the One Block Wonder. Melinda Fulkerson held mini classes in advance and participants cut their fabric beforehand.
Special Projects – Suzie Callender and Glenna Martin
January - Round Casserole Carrier - 15 attendees
February -Boy & Girl Potholders 7
March - Steno Notebook Cover 14
April - Sewing Machine Wall Hanging 6
May - Mesh Ruler Case 12
June - Ironing Mat or Portable Ironing Table 6
July - Folder Fabric Christmas Tree 12
August - Basket Placemat & Napkin 9
September Mondo/Midi/Bitty Bag (Sue McBride) 17
October - Mondo/Midi/Bitty Bag (Sue McBride) 16
November - No Session
December - No session
Sunshine Club – Ruth MacCullen
January - sent 1 card
February – sent 1 card
March – 3 cards, 2 emails
April – 4 cards, 2 calls, 1 email
May – no activity
June – 1 card
July – 3 cards, 1 plant sent to Debbie Chard, 1 plant sent to memorial service for Mary Ann Perry
August - received thank you note from Debbie Chard for the plant.
September – no activity
October - 1 plant sent to Sue Zabell for the passing of her mother
November – no activity
December – 4 cards
Thursday Sew-in – Kathy Zimmer- Thursday Sew-in was held on the third Thursday of the month from 10:00 until 2:00. Due to lack of participation the sew-in was canceled for the fall and the foreseeable future.
President – Kim Ayers
Vice President – Dianne Olsen
Secretary – Bonnie Davidson
Treasurer – Sue Zabell
Meeting Programs
Jan - played Left-Right-Center with 2.5" strips being the prize.
Feb - Susan Lenz spoke about her quilt art
Mar - Carole Liebzeit using ugly fabrics with an afternoon workshop
Apr - David Gilleland paper piecing and custom quilting with an afternoon workshop on paper piecing a mug rug
May – Member Then and Now - First Quilt / Latest Quilt
Jun - Emily Gail Wyatt, Huguette Boyer, and Doreen Clink did a member showcase.
Jul - Christmas in July presentation from members showing Christmas quilts, Christmas items (like stockings, table runners) and also small gifts that could be made as Christmas presents.
Aug - Robin Jones from Cottontail Quilts who discussed how Cottontail came about and the ups and downs of owning a quilt store
Sept - demo day displaying different things related to bindings (flange and piping binding, hand sewing a binding, bias bindings, attaching bindings, and joining bindings.)
Oct - Silent Auction with over $1400 was raised for the guild
Nov - VP challenge reveal of mini quilts. We had 13 participants
Dec - table runner exchange well as the raffle blocks made with ombre dots. Placemats for Meals on Wheels were also made. 31 placemats were donated
Awards- Dottie Pittman
We had 1 member who hand-quilted a quilt over 300” and 10 members who completed a block of the month project (1 for 2016, 3 for 2017 and 6 for 2018).
The following is a summary of what we awarded in 2018:
Heart and Hand Pin for Hand Quilted Quilt over 300” – 1
Gold Thimbles for quilting a quilt over 300” without help from another person - 10
Silver Thimble for a quilt over 300” but had help of another person – 27
Blue Ribbons for projects less than 300” (including charity quilts) – 98
Block of the Month pins – 1 for 2016, 3 for 2017, and 6 for 2018
Challenge Pins given for participation in Vice President’s Challenge – 23 (9 for 2017 and 14 for 2018)
Birthday Club- we acknowledged all birthdays each month and a FQ was gifted
Monthly Sew–in– 3rd Thursday of the month from 10-5
BOM – Emily Gail Wyatt – Utilizing the book 101 Fabulous Small Quilts by Martingale and Company
Jan – Feb -Twice as Nice, page 51
Mar – Apr - Feedback Flags, page 267
May – Jun – Stand-up Straight, page 204
Jul – Aug - Four-Patch Pinwheels, page 230
Sep – Oct – Japanese Circles, page 14
Nov – Dec – Vines and Flowers, page 27
Membership – Huguette Boyer -we ended the year with 108 members
Monthly Exchange– MaryAnne Perry
30’s and Kona: 11 –3” strips WOF, keep 1 strip, fold remaining 10 strips individually
January-Yellow 30’s print
February –Pink 30’s print
March –Green 30’s print
April –Miscellaneous 30’s print or Kona
May –Purple 30’s print
June –Blue 30’s print
July –Red 30’s print
August –miscellaneous 30’s print or Kona
September –Brown 30’s print
October –Orange 30’s print
November –Black 30’s print
December - miscellaneous 30’s print or Kona
Christmas exchange – Table topper/table runner
Food Pantry – Acworth Food Pantry food donations, in addition to $927.78
Door Prizes – Connie Kessler sold tickets for $1.00 each at each general meeting then purchased door prizes for the next general meeting
Special Projects – Sue Lane
Jan – Pocket Hearts
Feb – Microwave Bowl Cover
Mar – Hot Iron Transport Tote
Apr – Cell Phone Holder
May – Snap Bag
Jun – Sewing Machine Cover
Jul – Santa Ornament
Aug – Chicken Pot Holder
Sep – 4-patch Pinwheel
Oct – Neck/shoulder Rice Warmer
Nov – none (holiday)
Dec - none (holiday)
Redtop Retreat – Barb Levan - Friends Food Fabric Fun was held on March 13 - MARCH 16, 2018 . We had 75 members attending the retreat so we had to use two shelters. The retreat quilt was the Blooming 9 Patch.
Community Service – Carolyn Shea - held four (4) Community Service Days in 2018; January 30, May 29, July 31 and October 30. We had an average of 17 members attend these service days. As a guild, we donated 163 quilts to the Acworth Police Dept and over 500 pillowcases to Ryan's Cases for Smiles (formerly Con-Kerr Cancer). We had numerous donations of fabric from people who were downsizing their sew rooms; a friend of a member donated 11 fleece throws, and a former member donated a quilt. We had 68 members who either donated a quilt or pillowcase or both. This is about 63%. There were 9 quilts donated with no names attached.
Presidents Quilt – Presentation of a Quilt of Valor (QOV) to Kim Ayers for her service this year.
UFO Challenge - The UFO challenge continued, but only 8 people participated, and not all of them actively. At the end of the year only 4-5 fat quarters were collected. These were put in the birthday fat quarters bucket. Fat quarter bundles were purchased for 3 randomly drawn prize winners.
Special Class – Sept - Gail Wyatt rug making/wool dyeing
Vice President Challenge – Dianne Olsen -This year the VP Challenge was mini quilts. Pattern had to be an actual quilt not a “block/wall hanging”. Mini quilt requirements were measure no larger than 12” x 14” and should be made up of blocks no larger than 2 ½” unfinished.