Allatoona Quilters’ Guild
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Conduct the General and Board Meetings.
2. Forward an Agenda for the General and Board meetings to the Communications Chairman for distribution to the membership
3. Solicit and appoint volunteers for chair positions. Assure chairman are informed of committee's duties and responsibilities as set forth in the Appendix to the By-Laws.
4. Assess needs and help support Executive Board members.
5. Coordinate annual guild calendar. (Dec EB)
6. Submit a monthly President's message to the membership via the Newsletter.
7. Research /Survey membership for program planning options and activity feedback.
8. Have signature authority for checks as needed by the Treasurer.
9. Prepare, with the help of the Treasurer, a budget report showing the beginning and ending balances for each committee. This will be passed to the incoming President.
10. Prepare a budget for the upcoming fiscal year, with the Treasurer and committee chairman. This budget is normally based on the ending balances from the previous year, with amendments for proposed committee needs. This should be done at the November Board meeting.
11. Reserve the facilities for meetings and events. This can be done in November or December
12. The President may be responsible for picking up and returning the door key to Robert's School for the Board meeting. This duty can be delegated.
13. Notify whoever picked up the key how to enter alarm immediately after opening the door and setting the alarm upon leaving.
14. Communicate with Officers on matters concerning the Guild as needed.
15. Work/communicate with members to maintain a positive Guild experience.
1. Research and present ideas/contracts to the President for programs to be conducted during the General Meetings and workshops.
2. Coordinate events or guest speakers; negotiation and review of all contracts and requirements of the event.
3. Pursue, conduct or delegate tasks for special events, i.e., field trips.
4. Host any visiting teacher conducting a program during the General Meeting or conducting a Guild Workshop. Arrange for housing and expense reimbursement as applicable.
5. Announce upcoming programs and provide the Secretary and Newsletter Chairs with that information for publication.
6. Assume responsibilities in the absence of the President.
7. Coordinate the creating and presentation of a quilt in recognition by the Guild of the outgoing President.
8. Work with Officers on any issues that could impact Guild.
Treasurer (Updated 12/23)
1. Treasurer has to be in the guild for 3 years before taking over to understand its workings.
2. Arrange for transfer of bank account from previous administration, including authorized signatures. Maintain current signature cards at the bank. Arrange for transfer of financial records to incoming Treasurer.
3. Maintain an accurate checkbook. Report the financial standing of the guild at the General meeting and the Executive Board meetings. Report income for month at General meeting.
4. Accept receipts and delivering reimbursements to Guild members for committee expenditures. Collect solicitations (sunshine, food bank, etc) and deposit. Send check to church for Food Bank.
5. Submit financial report to President including: income, expenses, the balance of the check and savings accounts. Submit copy of quarterly bank statements to President.
6. Keep track of who paid as money comes in for dues and Red Top as a backup for committee.
7. Be responsible for maintaining the necessary supplies for handling the finances (i.e. checks, stamps, etc.)
8. Work with Officers and Executive board on any issues that could impact Guild.
9. Provide needed financial data to facilitate the President’s Budget preparation.
10. Maintain and update log of AQG real property.
Secretary (2024)
1. Take minutes at the General and Executive Board Meetings.
2. Send a copy of minutes, via e-mail, within one week of the attended meeting to the President, and Newsletter Editor.
3. Present the previous month’s minutes at the General Meeting for approval or correction.
4. Amend minutes as necessary.
5. Work with Officers on any issues that could impact Guild.
6. Find replacement to take minutes if unable to attend meeting.
1. Attends Executive Board meetings and General Meetings with a copy of the By-Laws handy for reference during meetings.
2. Be responsible for ballots and other requirements, if necessary, for elections or other matters requiring general membership approval.
3. Make approved changes to the By-Laws. Keep an updated version in the Guild Notebook and forward updates to the Web Mistress for uploading to the website.
4. Maintain, and update annually, the Appendix to the Bylaws, that contains job descriptions for all officers and committee chairman. This is maintained as an assist to persons volunteering in these roles. They may be adapted by current position holders.
1. At General Meeting have members list items they will be showing during Show & Tell; route sign up list to members.
2. Maintain inventory of pins, ribbons and other awards. Distribute these awards at the General Meeting (or other venue) to Members based on what they showed.
3. Submit receipts for expenses related to awards to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
4. Maintain and store lists of awards given.
Communications Chairman (2024)
1. Maintain a current email list of members as received from the Membership Chairman. Notify Membership Chairman of email addresses which were returned as undeliverable.
2. Forward email reminders, updates, information to the membership from the Executive Board, members or committees, as appropriate, within 24 hours.
3. Arrange for substitute for times of unavailability.
Community Service (2024)
1. Research previous, current, and new options for charities.
2. Propose recommendations for proposed charities to Board.
3. Promote participation in events and projects.
4. Co-ordinate with charities and recipients for donation desires.
5. Maintain inventory and organization of donated materials.
6. Submit receipts for expenses related to projects to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
7. The Chairman is responsible for picking up and returning the door key to Robert's School. This duty can be delegated.
8. The school has an alarm which must be unarmed and armed. Obtain the code and instructions for use.
Door Prize
The Chairperson(s) is responsible:
1. For selling tickets for door prizes before the start of the monthly membership meeting and during the break.
2. Using money generated from ticket sales buy door prizes at quilt shops, fabric stores or online.
3. Present door prizes at each membership meeting. We have members draw the winning tickets.
4. For purchasing ticket supply when necessary and giving receipt to treasurer for reimbursement.
5. Presenting monthly report for distribution of monies from ticket sales to treasurer
6. Attending the membership meetings the first Tuesday of each month and Board meeting every third Tuesday of each month.
Hostess (2024)
1. Circulate volunteer sign-up sheet as needed to ensure two volunteers assigned each month. Maintain at least a three-month lead.
2. Promote equity in sharing duties among all members by periodic announcements and reminders.
3. Support special events as requested by Officers or Board, coordinate volunteers to help.
4. Submit any receipts to Treasurer for reimbursement.
5. Provide information to members regarding expectations and duties of monthly hostess for general meetings.
6. Have month’s hostesses arrive by 9:00 am. Hostesses responsibilities are as follows:
- Set up tables and chairs
- Empty all trash cans.
- Break down tables and chairs and store.
1. Prepare and distribute new member packets. Each packet will contain a copy of the current By-Laws, Policies and Procedures, instructions for name tag, current listing of Officers & Chairpersons and Miscellaneous Membership Information. The Membership Roster will be published to members via email by the Communications Chair.
2. Maintain the Membership Roster including new member additions and changes to current members information. The Roster is emailed to the Communication Chair for publication on an as needed basis. Additions / revisions should be highlighted in yellow on the spreadsheet and noted in the email communication. Roster for publication should include the following: members name (sorted by first name, address, phone number, birth date and email address. The Roster should be provided in Excel and PDF format.
3. Maintain a Membership Roster separate from the published spreadsheet with the following additional information: emergency contact information. This spreadsheet shall be published to the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Red Top Retreat Chair.
4. For new members, prepare a short bio for inclusion in the newsletter.
5. Maintain membership forms. Have on hand during the year for new members and/or renewal members. This form should be updated annually with Membership Chair contact information.
6. Distribute renewal forms to the Newsletter Chair for publication in the fourth quarter monthly newsletter. Provide current version to the Website Chair for posting.
7. Submit dues to Treasurer for deposit along with a completed deposit Transmittal Form.
8. Coordinate with Red Top Retreat Chair that all attending the retreat are paid members.
9. An attendance log at monthly meetings should be maintained.
10. Report at the monthly Board Meetings any updates, issues, concerns, etc.
11. Optional, name tag drawing at monthly meetings to incentivize members to wear their name tags. No budget so items are donated. Small items may be fat quarters, notions, patterns, etc.
Newsletter (2024)
1. The newsletter is created on a monthly basis. It shall include documents from the Executive Board, Committee Chairman and Guild Members. Some of the items that should be included are the President's message, Officer and Committee information as needed, the General Meeting and Board minutes and other items as deemed appropriate.
2. Establish and inform members of deadlines for Newsletter articles.
3. Forward draft to designated proofreader for review.
4. Send a copy of the newsletter to each member of the Guild. This will be by email.
5. If a new member or guest request a copy it will sent via email after the meeting.
1. The photographers’ duties are to take pictures at the general meetings, as well as special events like Red Top retreat.
2. The photos are then edited and forwarded to Web Master, and special event Chair(s).
3. They also may be forwarded to other board members soon request.
Redtop Chair and Co-Chair (if applicable)
*UPDATED DUTIES OF REDTOP CHAIR AND CO-CHAIR *In Italics. Changes made on May 9, 2022
1. Decide nature of retreat theme.
2. Prepare a line-item budget which include the proposed cost to each member who will be attending the retreat. *A Line-Item Budget will be presented to the Executive Board as a courtesy to keep them aware of costs of Red Top after registration is completed.
3. Act as liaison between the Guild and the location and/or facility of the Retreat. Handle contract, payments, rentals, keys, and other details regarding facility use. *Full price of Shelter should be paid at time of booking.
4. Organize sub-committees and call meetings as needed. Provide sub-committees with budgets.
5. Be present during the retreat and serve as facilitator and point of contact.
6. Design an orderly and fair process for distribution of timely information to membership leading up to event, including, but not limited to sign-up sheet, and money collection.
7.* Maintain accurate accounting of all funds received. Funds collected and receipts for expenses should be turned over to Chairperson. Set Deadlines for receipts to be turned in to the Chairperson (with the exception of the Food committee). The Chairperson is responsible for getting these receipts to the treasurer.
8. Conduct a feedback survey at the conclusion of the retreat, and report results to Executive Committee within 30 days. Complete a written summary of the survey, including lessons learned that may be useful in future events.
9. Maintain the Guild Red Top Retreat Informational Manual. Pass on to successor or Archivist for access. Meet with previous Chairpersons
10. *Any funds remaining greater than $200 at the end of the retreat will be refunded to participants. Refund will be given via “cash” payment with signature confirming refund received by each participant.
Special Projects
1. Propose suggestions for projects and possible classes, including estimated costs, at the Board meetings.
2. Arrange for teachers of projects and /or classes.
3. Coordinate teaching and supply requirements for participating membership to include web and newsletter announcements.
4.. Coordinate with Web Mistress to determine if patterns for planning projects can be put on website.
5. Allow for UFO or "catch-up" days for completion of projects.
6. Submit expense receipts to Treasurer for reimbursements.
7. The Chairman is responsible for picking up and returning the door key to Robert's School. This duty can be delegated. The school has an alarm.
8. Arrange for replacement facilitator if unable to attend.
1. Solicits and accepts notifications of personal and family health incidents or loss of life.
2. Affirm as needed, the preferred response of the Guild to hospitalizations and other major events of members. (Recent practice for hospitalizations has been taking or sending flowers or a plant, fat quarters @ $35-40; $50 memorial gifts in the loss of a member or monetary gift to charity named in Obituary.
3. Call or send a card to the member if they have been sick or had surgery (as circumstances permit)
4. Keep membership informed through announcements, newsletter, email or website as indicated. Member must approve of the announcement to the Guild.
5. Submit receipts to Treasurer for reimbursement.
1. Maintain and update as required.
2. Post pictures on the web site when received
3. Maintain a copy of the Newsletter on the website.
4. Post any other important information on the website as needed, e.g., BOM directions, Special Projects, Retreat updates, etc.
5. Request funding for updates or enhancements for website.
6. Coordinate with Treasurer for payment of website URL.
1. Electronically maintain Archive data related to the Guild and its members: Newsletter, event photos/notes, thank you cards, articles, etc.
2. Actively “feed” the Guild’s FB site/Instagram sites sharing speaker info, special events, interesting items, cartoons … items that might interest prospects to join the Guild; and for the publicizing information to Members.
3. Communicate with local news sources, e.g. the Patch, interesting info regarding the activities of the Guild, especially those items related to charitable endeavors.
1. Working with Membership Chair ensure that Membership List is up-to-date and in good order, especially as applies to the email list.
2. Officers/Chairs and members will submit data to be published to the entire Membership List; review content and delete instructions given to Communications Chair.
3. Send submitted data out within 24 hours if possible.
4. If there are several items to send, they should be combined in one document if possible…limiting the numbers of times items are sent.
5. Keep copies of what has been sent in electronic file folder.
6. If an address kicks back contact Membership Chair to correct, or contact the Member directly.
7. 3 days prior to General Meeting and Executive Board Meeting a communication should be sent to Membership that includes Zoom info, Agenda, and Budget reports. These will be supplied by the Zoomkeeper, President, and Treasurer.
Zoomkeepers (2024)
1. Maintain the Zoom website, including the annual payment, updates, passwords, and meeting calendar.
2. Educate members as needed.
3. Transition new Zoom Keepers with hands-on training and written instructions when/if needed.
4. Stay current with enhancements as the software is constantly evolving.
1. These two positions are to provide a program every other month. One-month BOM, second month Lunch-N-Learn. 2. The program(s) can be the choice of the Committee Chairpersons however recommendations can come from the Board, Members or Officers.
3. The program offered should reflect the interests of the Guild membership. 4. Programs will be offered for a 2-4-hour period and can also be completed at Member’s homes on their own time. 5. Completed projects should be shown at during General Meetings or through Zoom meeting.
Other Programs
December Block Exchange
1. Coordinates the raffle of quilt blocks during the December meeting. The theme is set by the Board and can change from year to year.
2. The coordinator will be responsible for purchasing 10-15 yards of fabric for that theme which will be included in each of the blocks. The fabric is usually purchased at the end of the theme's season, when the fabric is usually on sale.
3. The fabric is cut into fat quarters and wrapped, along with the instructions (see below), for sale at the Guild meetings. 4. Collect the 12 ½ completed blocks from members as they are finished. Assure each block has the maker's name on them and all have used the theme fabric in a recognizable way. All blocks must be turned in by the November general meeting.
5. Purchase cheap tablecloths or plastic from the Dollar Store (number depends on amount of quilt sets) for organization of each set of blocks.
6. Because at the December meeting, there will be a drawing for the quilt sets, the names of the block maker should be kept and used for drawing the winners. 7. Divide the blocks into sets of 12 and tape or pin them to the plastic.
8. At December general meeting, display the block sets by taping to wall. 9. For every block turned in by members, the members name will go into a drawing. During the December general meeting, conduct a drawing for each set of blocks. 10. AQG Block Guidelines for Christmas Drawing
· Each participant may purchase ONE fat quarter of the theme fabric
· Blocks may be pieced or appliqued in any pattern you choose with a recognizable amount of the fabric in each block. When completed the block should measure unfinished 12 ½ inches.
· Each participant may make up to 5 blocks. For each block you submit your name will be entered into a drawing to win a set of blocks.
· Safely pin a piece of paper with your name onto each block you submit.
· Each participant may win one set of blocks regardless of the number of blocks entered
· Blocks are due no later than the November General Meeting (earlier is better)
· Winners will be drawn at the December General Meeting. You do not need to be present to win.