The date is approaching for Red Top 2025 and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
MARCH 11-14, 2025
(set up March 10)
The annual AQG Red Top Retreat has been scheduled and the shelter reserved. Is it on your calendar?
Red Top Mountain State Park, Cartersville, GA
Group Shelter #2
Visitor Center 770-975-4226
Park Office 770-975-0055 HOURS: Tuesday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
AQG Red Top Retreat
The annual AQG Red Top Retreat is fast approaching and it’s time to start thinking about what to bring. Below you will find helpful information on what to bring and some guidelines. Please print this information to have as a reference.
LOCATION: Red Top Mountain State Park
50 Lodge Rd, Cartersville, GA
Visitor Center 770-975-4226
Park Office 770-975-0055
Group Shelter #2 on Park Marina Road
HOURS: Monday, March 10: Setup Day
NOON - OTHER COMMITTEES: arrive at NOON to deal with their part of the set up.
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, all other attendees may arrive to set up their sewing area if they choose.
Tuesday, March 11: ALL attendees should arrive at 8:30 or so. Welcome will be at 9:30!!
Tuesday- Thursday – Shelter open 8:30 am. to 9 pm
Friday – Shelter open 8:30 am. to 4 pm
Times subject to change
FRIDAY CLEAN UP: We can sew until 2 pm on Friday when clean up begins. The truck picking up the rental tables is scheduled for 3 pm and tables need to be ready for pick up. If you need to leave early, please leave your table and chair; DO NOT remove them. It would be greatly appreciated if you would stay to help with clean-up. Many hands make for light work.
In the event of inclement weather, the Guild policy is if the Cobb County School system is closed, Guild activities for that day will be canceled. We have prepared an inclement weather call list that will be used if we must cancel due to weather problems. If we do cancel, everyone should receive a call as soon as a decision is reached. If you do not get a call, please feel free to call Daryl Miller 678-231-7291 or Kate McKenney 239-634-6709.
When you arrive at Red Top, you will need to go by the Visitor Center first thing BEFORE coming to the shelter to secure a parking pass. Each car must have a pass for each day. Parking passes are $5.00 per day. Annual passes may be purchased, and that pass is good through March of 2025. If you are a Senior Citizen (62 or older) you can get an annual Senior Pass for $25. If you are a Veteran or Active Military, the annual pass is $37.50. Local public libraries have park passes that can be checked out free of charge. These passes are given out on a first come, first serve basis. The Visitor Center is past Shelter #2, take a right onto Lodge Road.
This year's retreat project will focus on the Drunkard's Path Block, and the suggested quilt project is the Drunkard's Path - Sunshine - Jordan Fabrics; However, there are other layouts you might want to do with this versatile block. The block only has 2 pieces, so it goes together quickly! It's a great opportunity to try curved piecing. As with many things, it's easier to start with a larger size block than a smaller one
POWER: Electrical cords and foot pedals for sewing machine, electrical reel, heavy duty long extension cord, surge protector, etc. You might want to attach a tag with your name on it or identify with a sharpie marker.
SEWING SUPPLIES: Sewing machine, owner’s manual, extension cords, foot pedal, thread, pins, new needles, scissors, seam ripper, rotary cutter, and rulers. Pretty much all your “normal” sewing stuff.
CUTTING STATIONS will be set up, but a small mat at your table might be helpful for smaller cuts.
NO IRONS OR ELECTRIC LIGHTS: Ironing stations will be set up. You can bring a battery-operated light if you like. The electrical system at Shelter #2 has been an issue in the past, but we’ve been assured this will not be a problem without extra irons and personal lights. The ironing stations will be designated as EITHER steam or dry. There will be water jugs by each steam ironing station…please be kind and refill the irons as needed. Please DO NOT put water in the designated dry irons.
DESIGN WALL: A flannel backed tablecloth works well. NO tape or nails will be allowed on the walls, doors, or windows. ONLY Command Strips by 3M can be used to hang your design wall. Use Bullnose clips to clip your tablecloth and then hang that on the Command Strip hook. You may cut slits or sew grommets into your flannel to hang directly onto the Command Strip hook.
DUCT TAPE: (Bright color and wide) to use on floor for securing electrical cords to floor. This will help prevent tripping and falling on all the cords we need.
TRASH BAG: If each person uses their own little trash bag at their table, it will lessen the cleanup we need to do on Friday afternoon. Even a simple brown paper bag taped beside you will help to keep threads and trimmings off the floor. You could also pack your stuff in a small wastebasket or bucket, then use for trash. We have small bags available.
Bring your own chair or at least a cushion for the chairs that are provided. Your body will thank you! A rolling cart or small dolly is very helpful for loading and unloading your supplies.
TABLES: We rent tables for the Retreat. Some of the tables are not smooth, so you may want to bring a plastic tablecloth to cover it. If you bring a small table to set your sewing machine on, remember to be courteous to your fellow quilters and do not take up extra space so that those without extra tables aren’t cramped.
DRESS IN LAYERS: It may be hot, cold or “just right” in the shelter. We have heat, but no A/C.
DINING: Lunch and Dinner will be provided by the Guild. The menu will be sent out closer to the event.
This year the Guild will be providing paper plates, cups, napkins and utensils. Please bring your own favorite cup with a lid and a placemat. If you would like anything other than soft drinks, coffee, or tea with your meal, you will need to bring your beverages from home. There will be NO bottled water purchased by the Guild.
No one will be allowed to wash their dishes in the shelter kitchen. Members cleaning up after themselves has been a problem in the past and the kitchen crew has enough to do without cleaning up after us.
If you are bringing food or drink from home for yourself, there will be one specific refrigerator available for your use. Please put your name on anything you place in that fridge.
DESSERT/SNACKS: Please bring one shack or dessert to share, not one every day… only one for the entire Retreat.
· ONE snack to share that is individually prepackages (cookies in home wrapped baggies, fruit, commercially wrapped nuts, sweets or savories, etc.)
· OR ONE dessert (cake, pie, pan of brownie, etc.) to enjoy which would be left whole and served at meal time from the buffet.
ENTERTAINMENT:The information on games and what to bring will be sent in a separate document. (See Below)
FLASHLIGHT/UMBRELLA:Bring a flashlight to go back and forth to the bathroom and your car. It is very DARK out there at night. Bathrooms are outside for Shelter #2. Not that it would rain on our Retreat, but you just might want to be prepared with an umbrella.
SCRAP MOUNTAIN: We will have Scrap Mountain once again this year. Please look through your “scraps” and see what you would like to donate to the heap. We will only collect these AT REDTOP, so bring contributions when you come! Bring scraps, pieces that are more than a scrap or yardage. We all have fabric that we say, “what was I thinking”. One woman’s junk is another woman’s treasure. Also…bring a bag or two to take new treasures home.
BATHROOMS:Remember these are public bathrooms (Shelter #2). If there are any problems with the bathrooms, please let Daryl or Kate know immediately and one of them will contact the park office to take care of it.
VISITORS: There has been much discussion about visitors at the Retreat. We would like to discourage visitors, but if you do have a visitor, please meet with them either outside or in the dining area of the shelter only. There is a HUGE safety issue with all the cords, irons, rotary cutters and the like. We don’t want any accidents happening. Think of what our Retreat would be like if everyone had a visitor.
Be sure to contact either of us if you have any questions or concerns, especially if this is your first Retreat.
Participation in any or all games is optional!
But we hope you’ll join in the fun!
Allatoona Quilters Guild
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